Membership in SCCQG
The membership fee is due and payable October 1st. Unpaid memberships become delinquent on November 30. Member Guild dues received after November 30 will incur a late fee of $25. Affiliate (Teachers) dues received after November 30 will incur a late fee of $10. Late paid membership dues are not prorated.
Membership Forms (Renewals & New Guilds/Affiliates):
Please complete your membership form online by using the links below to the membership form. The same form is used whether you are renewing or joining SCCQG for the first time. Please complete all fields on the form, even if your officers have not changed. This allows us to start with a fresh database for the year. If you need a printed copy, use the select and print function on your device prior to clicking "submit".
Guild Membership is $50.00 ($75 after 11/30) - Member Guild Form. (Please complete if you are renewing membership as well as if you are a new guild).
Affiliate Membership is $30.00 ($40 after 11/30) - Affiliate Member Form (please use the Affiliate form if you are a teacher, vendor or individual)
Reminder to Guilds: Insurance premium ($5.25/active member), if opting in, should be included in your check with the membership dues fee. Please note that the SCCQG Liability Insurance policy only applies to Member Guilds. In calculating the amount due from your guild, please use your membership number from the end of your most recent guild year. This helps us ensure that the insurance premium is fairly pro-rated across the participating guilds.
All payments are to be made payable to SCCQG and mailed directly to the Treasurer at: SCCQG, 15619 Ogram Avenue, Gardena, CA 90249 noting amount paid for insurance and/or dues. IF you use a check other than one printed with Guild Name, BE SURE TO NOTE WHICH GUILD THE PAYMENT IS FOR. We cannot credit your guild with payment if we don't know which guild the check is from.
Please send questions to
Officer & Meeting Information Updates Only
To ensure that the web page for your guild is current, as your officers change, please take a minute to send that updated information to the membership chair by using the Guild Officer & Meeting Update form. You will need to fill out a separate form for each officer change (see drop down menu, below).
Guild Officer & Meeting Update Form
Used by the guilds to provide updated officer & meeting information during the year.